Electric cars have 40% less carbon emissions than oil cars! Can chain smart power boost the popularity of new energy vehicles

Under the general trend of carbon neutrality and energy transition, vigorously developing new energy vehicles is regarded as one of the key paths to achieve carbon neutrality. The reason is that carbon emissions from transportation are an important part of global carbon emissions, accounting for 16.2%. Therefore, in order to promote carbon neutrality, major countries and regions, including China, the United States and the European Union, have proposed a timetable to ban the sale of fuel vehicles.

The transportation energy industry has entered the era of switching between oil and electricity. In the first half of this year, global sales of new-energy passenger vehicles rose 71 per cent year-on-year. Among them, China still maintains the world's largest new energy vehicle market leading advantage. Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that as of July this year, China's cumulative sales of new energy vehicles were 3.194 million, a year-on-year increase of 120 percent, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 22.1 percent.

So, how big is the impact of new energy vehicles replacing fuel vehicles on carbon neutrality?

Switching from an oil vehicle to a pure electric vehicle will reduce carbon emissions by 43.4%

The carbon footprint of a car involves the whole life cycle of material production, vehicle production, vehicle use, repair and maintenance, and scrap recycling. Because of the carbon emissions generated in the extraction and processing of battery materials, pure electric vehicles are not zero-emission. So from the perspective of the whole life cycle, compared to the fuel vehicle, how much can pure electric vehicles reduce carbon emissions?

According to the calculation of China Automobile Data Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "China Automobile Data"), from the perspective of the whole life cycle, in 2021, the carbon emission of a pure electric vehicle is 22.4 tons. The life-cycle carbon emission of the familiar gasoline passenger car is 39.7 tons. Replacing a petrol car with an all-electric one reduces carbon emissions by 43.4%.

According to the average historical data of carbon emissions of automobiles (including passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles) from 2012 to 2021, an increase of 1 million new energy vehicles will reduce the total life-cycle carbon emissions of the automobile sector by 7.28 million tons, and the direct carbon emissions (only considering direct fuel combustion) by 12.8 million tons.

It is because of this obvious carbon emission reduction effect, therefore, vigorously develop new energy vehicles around the world, the new energy automobile industry of our country is the comprehensive leader. More than 4.22 million new energy vehicles were sold globally in the first half of 2022, up 66.38 percent year-on-year, data showed. Among them, China's new energy vehicle sales reached 2.6 million, accounting for more than 60% of the global sales; The market penetration rate has exceeded 21.6%, and the number of vehicles has exceeded 11 million.

The one worth paying attention is, at present, the power source of new energy vehicles in our country is still mainly fire power. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's cumulative power generation in 2021 reached 8112.18 billion KWH, of which thermal power generation accounted for 70 percent. In the future, with the increase of renewable energy power installation and generation, the carbon emission reduction effect of new energy vehicles will be more obvious.

As supporting infrastructure, the rapid development of new energy vehicle industry cannot be separated from the support of charging pile industry. By the end of the first half of this year, China had built 3.98 million charging infrastructure units, up 97.5 percent year on year; Among them, 1.575 million are public and 2.405 million are private. A total of 1.362 million new charging piles were added in the first half of this year, with both public and private piles exceeding the annual increment of last year.

However, at present, China's charging pile industry development faces many pain points. For example, for charging pile manufacturers, the customer group is too scattered, which increases the difficulty of connection, especially the lack of connection channels with a large number of small and medium-sized customers; For operators, many of them lack flow, operation and service capacity, resulting in low utilization rate of charging piles. For car companies, it is impossible to independently build a nationwide charging network, and it is time-consuming and laborious to connect with different operators. Users often need to download multiple apps to meet their charging needs. Coupled with the insufficient service capacity of operators, owners may also encounter problems such as bad piles, unmet diversified needs, and long lines for charging.

At the same time, China's high urban population density, lack of sufficient private parking space, China's household private pile installation is difficult; It is difficult to cover the changing station due to the large investment and the inconsistent battery specifications. Although the overfilled pile is expected to be high, it is also difficult to put into construction due to the need of supporting energy storage facilities, high construction cost, and the need for super-large capacitance matching in the power grid, as well as security risks. Therefore, an obvious characteristic of the charging pile market in China is the public charging pile, and the proportion of the public and small pile market continues to increase.

Since the charging stations are distributed in multiple scenes, the real estate developers to which the sites belong often have better bargaining power. More and more small and medium-sized players occupying geographical advantages participate in the construction of charging piles, and the supply side of charging services is increasingly dispersed.

An enabling sample of energy chain intelligence

There is no doubt that effective solutions to the pain points of the charging pile industry can promote the healthy development of the industry, so as to promote the popularization of new energy vehicles. At present, China has grown into a third-party charging service provider represented by energy chain Smart Power, contributing to the development of the industry.

A charging station located in Shenzhen, since the construction, the utilization rate has not improved for a long time. Can chain Zhidian research on the surrounding users found that the main reason is that there is no rest room, the driver has no place to rest, so the owner of low viscosity. Under the suggestion of NongChian Zhidian.com, the charging station added reclining chairs and other service facilities, and the efficiency of the charging station was increased by 2-3 times.

Another charging station is located next to the logistics company, but because the location of the station is relatively hidden, logistics drivers can hardly notice the charging station, so the company's vehicles still go a long way to charge. Nenglian Zhidian helps the charging station to connect with the logistics company, and guides the vehicles of the logistics company to the station for charging. Through such services, the operating efficiency of charging stations has been increased by more than three times.

Service charging pile operators for many years, can chain smart electricity accumulated a rich know-how. Faced with many pain points in the charging pile industry, NenglianzhiPower provides one-stop services for charging pile manufacturers, operators, Oems, enterprises and fleets with digital technology, creating industry-level solutions of online + offline + non-electric services, covering the whole value chain of new energy.

Online charging solutions mainly provide operators with operational flow support and improve the utilization rate of charging piles; We cooperate with our strategic partners, such as Kuaidian, to create charging experiences of "one-click finding pile", "one-click charging" and "one-click payment" for new energy owners, and provide charging network support covering the whole country for the main engine factory.

The offline charging furnace solution is mainly to broaden sales and marketing channels for charging pile manufacturers to increase sales. At the same time, we provide operators with site selection planning, electric pile procurement, power procurement, charging station operation management and other services to help operators reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Non-electrical services are mainly value-added services such as unsold containers, small dining halls and shared massage chairs provided by Nenglianzhidian to operators to help operators expand their profit models and meet the diverse needs of car owners.

Can chain smart electricity future conjecture

According to the latest Q2 financial report, as of June 30, 2022, can chain smart power business has covered 358 cities across the country, connected to more than 44,000 charging stations, more than 400,000 charging guns.

At the same time, its ecosystem is expanding. In the first half and in the near future, can chain wisdom electric joint strategic partnership fast electric, for ideal car, faw Volkswagen, arashi figure auto makers, such as full electric car networking companies such as travel, lion technology, tencent wisdom travel, green hui lian, such as the Internet and sharing platform, large real charging about charging, Yi Xun prudent operator, yunnan, the city and ecological partners to provide services such as leasing.

As the "connector" of the new energy industry, the solution of Nongchingzhi power effectively improves the delivery efficiency of the energy industry, and also plays its own strength for carbon neutrality of transportation. According to the certification report issued by the international authoritative certification group SGS, can chain smart electricity annual carbon emission reduction of 900,000 tons.

With the vigorous development of the new energy vehicle industry, China's charging and replacement industry has also released huge market potential. By 2030, the number of new energy vehicles in China is expected to reach 80 million, requiring about 20 million charging stations. At the same time, different from the European and American markets which mainly focus on private piles, the charging pile market in China is characterized by mainly public piles and special piles. By then, the charging capacity of China's public pile and special pile will account for more than 80%.

Energy chain smart power is expected to achieve rapid growth with the charging pile industry and continue to contribute to carbon neutrality. Transportation currently accounts for 10.4 percent of China's total carbon emissions. The dream is to increase China's transportation energy efficiency by 10% and help reduce China's carbon emissions by 1%.
