EU Passes Law for EV Infrastructure
As of my last update in January 2022, the European Union (EU) has been actively promoting electric vehicles (EVs) and sustainable transportation. While I don't have real-time access to current news, it's plausible that the EU has passed further legislation to bolster EV infrastructure.

Several initiatives and directives have been underway to facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles, including measures to enhance charging infrastructure across member states. These efforts aim to address concerns such as range anxiety and accessibility of charging points, which are crucial for widespread EV adoption.

The EU's approach to promoting EV infrastructure typically involves setting targets for the number of charging stations, providing funding for charging infrastructure development, incentivizing the private sector to invest in EV charging networks, and establishing regulations to ensure interoperability and standardization of charging infrastructure.

If a new law has been passed specifically targeting EV infrastructure, it likely builds upon these existing initiatives and may include provisions for further expansion of charging networks, harmonization of charging standards, funding allocations, or other measures to accelerate the transition to electric mobility.

For the most recent and accurate information on this topic, I recommend consulting reliable news sources or official EU publications.
