Teison DC Fast Charging: How Businesses Can Benefit

DC fast charging offers a significant opportunity for businesses to attract customers, 

generate revenue, and support sustainability efforts. Here’s how businesses can benefit:

1. Attracting EV Customers

Increased Foot Traffic: By offering DC fast charging, businesses can attract electric 

vehicle (EV) owners who are looking for quick and convenient charging solutions. 

This can lead to increased foot traffic, particularly for retail locations, restaurants, 

or service centers.

Customer Loyalty: Providing fast charging can create a positive experience for customers, 

fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat visits.

2. Revenue Generation

Direct Charging Fees: Businesses can charge a fee for the use of DC fast chargers, 

generating direct revenue. Some businesses opt for a pay-per-use model, while others 

may offer subscriptions or memberships.

Increased Dwell Time: While customers wait for their vehicles to charge (usually 20-40 

minutes), they are more likely to spend time and money at the business. This can boost 

sales of products and services.

3. Brand Image and Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Offering EV charging supports a business's 

sustainability goals, aligning with environmentally conscious consumers and enhancing 

the company's CSR profile.

Brand Differentiation: Being an early adopter of EV infrastructure can set a business 

apart from competitors, showcasing innovation and a commitment to green initiatives.

4. Government Incentives and Partnerships

Grants and Tax Credits: Many governments offer incentives for businesses that install EV 

charging stations, including grants, tax credits, and rebates. These can significantly offset 

the initial investment costs.

Partnership Opportunities: Businesses can partner with EV charging networks, automotive 

manufacturers, or local governments to share costs, enhance visibility, and provide a seamless 

charging experience.

5. Future-Proofing

Positioning for Growth: As EV adoption continues to rise, having DC fast charging infrastructure 

in place positions businesses to capitalize on the growing market. This can be a long-term 

investment in future-proofing the business.

Grid Services: In the future, businesses may benefit from participating in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) 

programs, where EVs can feed electricity back into the grid, potentially creating another revenue 


6. Real Estate Value Enhancement

Increased Property Value: Properties equipped with EV charging infrastructure, particularly DC 

fast chargers, can see an increase in value. This is particularly relevant for commercial real estate 

developers and property managers.

7. Attracting New Business Segments

Corporate and Fleet Customers: Businesses can attract corporate clients and fleet operators who 

need reliable and fast charging solutions for their electric vehicle fleets. This can open up new 

revenue streams and customer relationships.

8. Data Collection and Insights

Customer Behavior Analysis: By integrating charging stations with customer loyalty programs or 

mobile apps, businesses can collect valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. This 

information can be used to tailor marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.

Energy Usage Management: Businesses can monitor energy consumption patterns, optimize 

energy use, and potentially integrate renewable energy sources to power the charging stations, 

further enhancing sustainability efforts.

9. Community Engagement

Local Community Hub: Establishing a DC fast charging station can position a business as a 

community hub, especially in areas with limited charging infrastructure. This can foster community 

goodwill and attract local partnerships.

Support for Local Events: Businesses can host EV-related events, such as test drives, workshops, 

or EV owner meet-ups, further driving engagement and reinforcing the brand's commitment to 


By investing in DC fast charging infrastructure, businesses not only cater to the growing EV market 

but also position themselves as leaders in sustainability, innovation, and customer service.

