ISO-15118 explained

ISO 15118 is a standard for the communication interface between electric vehicles (EVs) 

and the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), such as charging stations. It is part of 

the broader International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International 

Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards for electric road vehicles and electric 

vehicle infrastructure.

Key Components of ISO 15118

  1. Plug & Charge (PnC):

    • Automatic Authentication and Authorization: Enables EVs to automatically

      identify themselves to the charging station, simplifying the charging process

      by removing the need for additional cards or apps for authentication.

    • Secure Communication: Ensures secure communication between the EV

      and the EVSE using public-key infrastructure (PKI), providing secure and

      encrypted data exchange.

  2. Smart Charging:

    • Dynamic Power Management: Allows for real-time communication about

      power needs and grid capacity, enabling dynamic adjustment of charging

      rates to balance demand and supply.

    • Energy Management: Integrates with smart grids to optimize energy

      consumption, support renewable energy sources, and manage load distribution.

  3. Bidirectional Power Transfer (Vehicle-to-Grid, V2G):

    • Energy Storage and Supply: Allows EVs to not only draw power from the

      grid but also supply power back to it, effectively turning EVs into mobile

      energy storage units that can help stabilize the grid.

  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Seamless Experience: Ensures a smooth and user-friendly experience with

      standardized communication protocols, providing users with real-time

      information about charging status, costs, and other relevant data.

Benefits of ISO 15118

  • Convenience: Simplifies the charging process with automatic authentication and

    seamless integration with various service providers.

  • Interoperability: Ensures compatibility between different EVs and charging stations

    from various manufacturers.

  • Security: Provides a high level of data security through encrypted communication.
  • Efficiency: Enhances the efficiency of the power grid by supporting smart charging

    and V2G capabilities.

  • Sustainability: Promotes the use of renewable energy and contributes to a more

    sustainable energy ecosystem.

Implementation and Adoption

The implementation of ISO 15118 is being actively pursued by car manufacturers, charging 

station operators, and energy providers. As the adoption of electric vehicles grows, the 

standard is expected to play a crucial role in the development of a robust and user-friendly 

EV charging infrastructure.

Future Developments

ISO 15118 continues to evolve, with ongoing efforts to enhance its capabilities and address 

emerging needs in the EV ecosystem. Future updates may include advancements in wireless 

charging, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and further integration with smart city initiatives.

